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1) наша школа- самая лучшая в городе ( переведите ) 2) мои одноклассники самые крутые 3) труднее чем физ-ра 4) он худший учитель 5) пока что, это книга самая интересная 6) чем больше я учусь, тем умнее становлюсь 7) биология такая же интересная как и лит-ра 8) -самый трудный урок

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. our school is the best in our city. 2. my classmates are the coolest. 3. english is more difficult than physical education. 4. he is the worst teacher. 5. so far, this book is the most interesting. 6. the more i learn, the smarter i become 7. biology is so interesting as literature is. 8. math is the most difficult lesson.

Our school - is the best school in a city.my classmates are the best.english is harder then pe.he is the worse teacher.by the time, this book is tne most interesting.biology is very interesting like literature.the maths lesson - is the hardest lesson




12) i will not see him tomorrow.  

13) i upset because while i was visiting my granny's house, i have not seen all my cousins.  

14) i do not sleep in the daytime.  

15) my sister has just left for the bank.  

16) what will you do tomorrow?  

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