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Составить: общие, специальные, разделительные вопросы к предложениям. 1) there is a picture on the wall. 2) the lecture begins at nine o'clock 3) the will go to the university on monday. 4) our teacher knows several foreign languages. 5) he has already bought a ticket. 6) they visited many countries. 7) they are working in the kitchen. 8) dinner is the largest meal during the day. 9) he likes oysters. 10) i heard about this film from my friend.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1there is a picture on the wall. is there a picture on the wall? where is a picture? there is a picture on the wall, isn't it? 2 the lecture begins at nine o'clock does the lecture begin at nine o'clock? when does the lecture begin? the lecture begins at nine o'clock, doesn't it? 3 they will go to the university on monday. will they go to the university on monday? where will they go on monday? they will go to the university on monday, won't they? 4 our teacher knows several foreign languages. does our teacher know several foreign languages? how many foreign languages does our teacher know? our teacher knows several foreign languages, doesn't he? 5 he has already bought a ticket. has he already bought a ticket? what has he bought? he has already bought a ticket, hasn't he? 6 they visited many countries. did they visit many countries? what did they visit? they visited many countries, didn't they? 7 they are working in the kitchen. are they working in the kitchen? where are they working? they are working in the kitchen, aren't they. 8 dinner is the largest meal during the day. is dinner is the largest meal during the day? dinner is the largest meal during the day, isn't it? 9 he likes oysters. does he like oysters? what does he like? he likes oysters, doesn't he? 10 i heard about this film from my friend. did you hear about this film from your friend? whom did you hear about this film from? i heard about this film from my friend, didn't i?

1) we have already seen tom this morning. 2) they will go to the south next month. 3) our grandmother hasn't heard this song for ages. 4) ken is in his room, he is reading a book. 5) the river amazon flows into the atlanatic ocean. 6) the bed was very comfortable and i was sleeping very well. 7) there is a very big piano i nthe sitting room. 8) there are some beautiful pictures on the wall. 9) the tasty applie pie was baked by my mother yesterday.

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