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Плакат we are ready to hep you без ! 30 !

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Ксожалению я не поняла тобой написанное слово - "hep". хочу надеяться что это было слово - " help". и я не поняла что ты имела виду по "плагиат"! короче, вот: project. ★we are ready to "help" you★   if we are attentive, we may find out, that there are a lot of things that we can do all around. the following activities could make our neighbourhood better and people’s life easier.   carrying bags  is a good way to help elderly people. it will be even better if you ask them what they need and go shopping yourself. there are some lonely pensioners in our neighbourhood. they will also be happy if somebody helps them about the house. cleaning the flat, washing up or repairing something is a good way to help them, too. sometimes there is a lot of snow in winter. if so, younger people can help  clean the snow  in the yard. everyone will thank them for it, especially car owners.   it’s a good idea to  clean the territory  in the neighbourhood together with the friends. it’s not difficult, but if you pick up the rubbish in the yard once a month, it will be very effective.   there is so much  waste paper  everywhere, even in the postboxes. if we  collectit and  take to the recycling stations, it will save trees and make the neighbou.

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