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Mercury  is the smallest and innermost  planetin the  solar system. its  orbital period  around the sun of 88  days  is the shortest of all the planets in the solar system. it is named after the  roman deity  mercury, the messenger to the gods. mercury is  gravitationally locked  with the sun in a 3: 2  spin-orbit resonance,[15]  and rotates in a way that is unique in the solar system. as seen relative to the  fixed stars, it rotates on its axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around the sun.[a][16]  as seen from the sun, in a  frame of referencethat rotates with the orbital motion, it appears to rotate only once every two mercurian years. an observer on mercury would therefore see only one day every two years.


2. My brother wants to study

3. usually go dancing

4. I'd love to join


1. I don't like eating vegetables.

2. I don't mind sharing my room with siblings.

3. I don't want to make anyone sad.

4. I enjoy watching movies with my friends.

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