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Сграмматикой if we want to find out the most prominent character features, we have to speak to the people and look into the books. nation 28. british people are known to be but in a special way, as written in p. g. wodehouse books, for example. humour 29. unlike british authors, a typical american is often more straight and serious. write 30. the most popular topic is the of a man to survive in difficult situations. able 31. in many books we read that to be a a man must believe in it. win 32. as one australian author writes in his book, an effort of one man can make the lives of many other people differ

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Ответы на вопрос:

27. national 28. humorous 29. writer 30. ability 31. winner 32. different

1. i knew they (were waiting) for me at the metro station and i decided to hurry. 2. i didn't know that you had already ( wound) up the clock. 3. i was afraid that the little girl (would not be) able to unlock the front door and (went) upstairs to help her. 4. he says that he ( knows) the laws of the country. 5. sarie understood why lanny (had not come) the previous evening. 6. she asked me whether i ( remembered) the legend about a faithful lion. 7. he understood that the soldiers (were arresting) him. 8. he could not understand why people (did not want) to take water from that well. 9. i suppose they (will send) a dog after the burglar immediately. 10. he said he (will leave) tomorrow morning. 11. she says she has already ( found) the book. 12. he stopped and listened: the clock (was striking) five. 13. she said she (could) not tell me the right time, her watch (was) wrong. 14. i asked my neighbour if he had ever (travelled) by air before. 15. the policeman asked george where he (was running) so early. 16. the delegates were told that the guide had just ( gone) out and (would be) back in ten minutes.

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