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4. put the verbs in brackets into required tense form (present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous active) 1. marcus (to finish) already with the letters and now (to look through) the report. 2. it is cold today. the weather (to change) since yesterday. 3. my uncle (to know) everything about roses. he (to grow) them for 35 years. now he (to try) to produce a blue one. 4. i never (to hear) this story from my father. 5. he (to be) a reader of this magazine for years. 6. i can’t give you the book now. i (to read) it. 7. my father (to have) an important appointment tomorrow. 8. the employees (to receive) salaries twice a month.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1marcus has already finished with the letters and now he is looking through the report. 2. it is cold today. the weather has changed since yesterday. 3. my uncle knows everything about roses. he has been growing them for 35 years. now he is trying to produce a blue one. 4. i have never heard this story from my father. 5. he has been a reader of this magazine for years. 6. i can’t give you the book now. i am reading it. 7. my father is having an important appointment tomorrow. 8. the employees receive salaries twice a month.

1 Я занят I am busy

2 Она работает слишком много She works too much

3 Мы часто ходим за покупками We often go shopping

4 Им нравится рок-музыка They like rock music

5 Он никогда не пьет алкоголь He never drinks alcohol

6 Я встаю в семь часов утра каждый день I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day

7 Ты выглядишь уставшим You look tired

8 Это очень интересно It is very interesting

9 Они часто нам They often help us

10 Мне нужно взять отпуск I need to take a holiday


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