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Condiional sentences 1) elisa will come to your house if you (call) her. 2) the dog will bark if you (ring) the doorbell. 3) if jeremy knew the secret, he (tell) you. 4) we (listen) to the new band if we had the cd. 5) sheila will win the first prize if she (take) part in the competition. 6) your football team could score more goals if the trainer (be) better. 7) if martin hadn't got help, the cat (die) 8) the shop would be open if today (not be) sunday. 9) tina (eat) the tomato soup if he (like) it. 10) if you let the door open, your bird (fly) away. 11) alan will give sarah a diamond ring if he (have) enough money. 12) if you weren't a heavy smoker, i (go) out with you more often. 13) the film director will be delighted if his daughter (study) medicine. 14) my son would eat more fruit and vegetables if i (eat) them too. 15) the housekeeper (clean) the bathroom if you tell her so. 16) david's flat would be so messy if he (not be) so careless. 17) he will miss the plane if he (not put) the alarm clock. 18) if i (be) you, i would complain to the manager. 19) lydia would have come if she (not be) so busy at work. 20) you can get your driving licence if you (practice) more often. 21) if you didn't pay the electricity bill, they (cut) off the service. 22) the plumber would repair the kitchen taps if your mother (call) him. 23) the kid (get) ill if he eats too many cakes. 24) the policeman (arrest) the thief if we ask for help. 25) if philip sends a message, i (bring) you the magazines. 26) fernando won't lose the game if he (pay) more attention. 27) if the concert hadn't been cancelled, she (enjoy) it. 28) your cat wouldn't be so fat if your (give) him good food. 29) if that book belongs to you, i (borrow) it. 30) if you listened to me, you (not make) so many mistakes. 31) his parents would accept his marriage if she (be) american. 32) the garden would be cleaner if it (not be) autumn. 33) marge (not be) so angry if the dog didn't eat the flowers in the garden

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Ответы на вопрос:

1call 2 ring 3 would tell 4 would listen 5 takes 6 was 7 would have died 8 wasn't  9 will eat, likes 10 will fly 11 has 12 would go out 13 studies 14 ate 15 will clean 16 weren't 17 doesn't put 18 were 19 hadn't been 20 practice 21 would cut 22 called 23 will get 24 will arrest 25 will bring 26 pay 27 would have enjoyed 28 gave 29 will borrow 30 won't make 31 were 32 weren't 33 would not be

Дельфины - млекопитающие. они кормят своих детёнышей молоком. дельфины не рыба (-ы), но живут в воде. они хорошо плавают. у них нет ног. у них серая кожа и большая улыбка : ) у них также есть хвост (tail) и плавники (fins), которые им плавать. вес дельфинов варьирует от 70 до 500 кг. дельфины - умные животные. они легко могут понять как играть в игры с человеком, а также ведут себя дружелюбно. дельфины живут в тёплых морях в разных точках мира. они проживают маленькими группами и питаются в основном рыбой. они живут около 50-ти лет.

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