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Чем отличаются childrens' и children's? whose are these hats? -they're the children's/children's hats

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Ответы на вопрос:

Второй случай невозможен, так как childrens - дети, уже множественное число, поэтому такого быть не может, так как s обозначает множественное число. а первый случай означает, что что-то принадлежит детям. то есть руки детей. the childrens' hats.

We were sitting -  were we sitting? - we were not sitting they are stopping - are they stopping?   - they are not stopping he walk to the park - does he walk to the park? - he does not walk to the park they won a gold cup - did they won a gold cup? - they did not  won a gold cup she had a red ball - had she a red ball? - she had not a red ball he was sad - was he sad? - he was not sad  you were clowns  - were you clowns? -  you were not clowns at is big  (я как и переводчик не знаем перевода at, так что посчитаем, что это должно быть it) - is it big? - it is not big they are glad - are they glad? - they are not glad

Популярно: Английский язык