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Употребите нужную форму глагола: "if of money, we'll get a job." выберите один ответ: a. will run b. would run c. run d. ran "when a big city, i'll send you a postcard." выберите один ответ: a. got b. will get c. would get d. get "if it, we'll buy a new car." выберите один ответ: a. can b. could c. will d. will be able "if the bus__ come soon, i'll be late." выберите один ответ: a. doesn't b. won't c. will d. wasn't "if i __ the answer, i'd tell you." выберите один ответ: a. know b. would know c. knew d. had known "i'd make an omelette if there__some eggs." выберите один ответ: a. are b. had been c. will be d. were "if i cleverer, i'd be a doctor." выберите один ответ: a. were b. will be c. would be d. am "if i__some spare time, i'd learn russian." выберите один ответ: a. had b. have c. would have d. have had вопрос 9 "if you won the football match, what__you do? " выберите один ответ: a. did b. would c. do d. will "if we had a big friends." выберите один ответ: a. we'll b. we'd be able to c. we'll be able to d. we can " you say provided the police are not informed." выберите один ответ: a. i'll do b. i would do c. i am to do d. i did "in those days if you__a job, you were lucky." выберите один ответ: a. have had b. would have c. had d. had had "if like that, you'll have an accident." выберите один ответ: a. kept b. keep c. will keep d. had kept " you found some buried treasure? " выберите один ответ: a. did you do b. did you c. had you done d. would you do "she wants to be a " выберите один ответ: a. when she will leave school b. when she leaves school c. when she is leaving school d. when she left school "what'll happen when the " выберите один ответ: a. stop b. will stop c. stops d. stopped "if paris you'll see the eiffel tower." выберите один ответ: a. go b. will be going c. went d. would go "if this news don't believe it." выберите один ответ: a. tell b. will tell c. tells d. had tell "you can get to most places in london very quickly if underground." выберите один ответ: a. will take b. take c. to take d. taken "we'll be late if the " выберите один ответ: a. doesn't arrive b. won't arrive c. hasn't arrived d. don't arrive "if it __ sunny tomorrow, i'll go out." выберите один ответ: a. is b. will c. will be d. is going "if , i'll wear my heavy jacket." выберите один ответ: a. will be b. shall be c. were d. is "i__buy the dress if i could afford if." выберите один ответ: a. will b. would c. should d. am able to "how you feel if you were in my position? " выберите один ответ: a. would b. do c. did d. can " change your job if you were in my position? " выберите один ответ: a. can b. would c. must d. did "if , i'll go to bed early tonight." выберите один ответ: a. were b. am c. will be d. shall be " work harder if you were better paid? " выберите один ответ: a. will b. would c. did d. can "if i were you there" выберите один ответ: a. will b. was to c. would d. shall "if you, you only have to ask me." выберите один ответ: a. want me to b. want i should c. want that d. are wanting me to " that if i were you." выберите один ответ: a. won't b. wouldn't c. shan't d. don't ", i'd be a fashion designer." выберите один ответ: a. i've been b. i am c. i'll be d. i were

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Ответы на вопрос:

1c) run 2 d) get 3 a) can 4 a) doesn"t 5 c) knew 6 c) will be 7 b) will be 8 a) had 9 d) will 10 a) we"ll 11 d) i did 12 b) would have 13 a) kept 14 a) what did you do 15 d) when she left school 16 d) stopped. остальное было лень, сколько смогла, столько сделала! )

Good, bigger, long, funny, more beautiful, angry, clever, cleverer, very clever.

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