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Спереводом на . текст должен быть простым. заранее . можно немного менять текст, добавлять слова. только не усложнять. у космонавтов полезная и вкусная еда. меню постоянно пополняется. её готовят заранее (предварительно) и упаковывают в специальную герметичную посуду. космонавты пьют соки, компоты, чай. супы они тоже пьют из упаковки. почти все блюда у них жидкие. сладости тоже космонавты едят. они любят пищу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The cosmonauts have useful and tasty food. the menu is constantly updated. it is prepared in advance (in advance) and packaged in a special hermetic dish. astronauts drink juices, compotes, tea. soups they also drink from the package. almost all the dishes they have are liquid. sweets are also eaten by cosmonauts. they like homemade food.

The cosmonauts are useful and delicious food. the menu is constantly replenished. it prepares in advance beforehand) and packed with special sealing utensils. astronauts drink juice compotes, tea. soups they drink packaging. almost dishes are liquid liquids, too, cosmonauts eat. they love homemade food

1)after joe had done  all the shopping, he  went to the cafe for a cup of coffee.

2) max had looked through the three dictionaries he had, when he  found the work he was looking for.

3)after ron had written three letters, he  posted them.

4) jane had told her granny about everything,when she felt much harrier.

5)after bill had finished learning the sonnet by heart, he  watched television for an hour or so.

6) edward bought christmas presents for everyone in his family,after he had bought a camera for himself as well.


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