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Вы живете в городе или в стране? вы живете в доме или в квартире? 3. какие номера есть в том месте, где вы живете? 4.опишите свою комнату. 5.опишите свою кухню. в вашей квартире / доме тихо? удобно? большой? малый? приятный? 7. что перед вашим домом, сзади и напротив него? 8. есть ли рядом с вашим домом парк (лес, сад) перевод

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Ответы на вопрос:

Do you live in a city or in a country? do you live in a house or apartment? 3. what numbers are there in the place where you live? 4. describe your room.5. describe your kitchen.is your apartment / house quiet? conveniently? big? small? pleasant? 7. what is in front of your house, behind and opposite it? 8. is there a park near your house (forest, garden)

1do you live inthe city or in the country& 2/ do you live in the house or in the flat& 3/ не знаю 4/ discribe your room 5/ discribe your kitchen/ 6/7/8/ не знаю

i want to become a nurse. i think this is the best job. you ask why. here is my answer. because the nurse - is the main person responsible for the treatment of the patient. because that's what she is sitting with a patient. nurse gives the patient different medications. and not a doctor does it all.

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