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Нужно грамотно перевести, не через переводчик .людей не знающих просьба не беспокоить моя лучшая подруга анастасия . ей 18 лет .мы с ней знакомы мало ,мы познакомились в университете в первый день .мы учимся на одной специальности биотехнология .она дружелюбная ,умная, добрая, отзывчивая . я старше ее на пол года , она выше меня ,у нее длинные светлые волосы и зеленые глаза. с ней не бывает скучно . мы постоянно друг другу на занятиях .постоянно созваниваемся ,и переписываемся по интернету .в свободное время мы гуляем ,ходим в кино , в парк, кафе и просто гуляем по городу .часто ходим другу другу в гости .за эти несколько месяцев мы сильно сдружились .анастасия прекрасная подруга и хороший человек .

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My best friend is anastasia. she is 18 years old. we know her very little, we met at the university on the first day. we study in one specialty biotechnology. she is very friendly, intelligent, kind, sympathetic. i'm older than her by half a year, she's taller than me, she has long blond hair and green eyes. it's not boring with her. we constantly help each other in the classroom. we constantly call up and correspond via the internet. in free time we go for walks, go to the movies, go to the park, cafe and just walk around the city. often we go to a friend's house. for these few months we are very strong anastasia is a wonderful friend and very good person.

my best friend is anastasia. she is 18 years old .i have been known her since we were very little ,we met at university on the first day .we learn from one of the specialty biotechnology .she is very friendly ,smart, kind, sympathy . i'm older than her for half a year. she is taller than me, she has got long blonde hair and green eyes. with her is never boring . we always help each other on the lessons. we always talking on the phone, and chatting on the internet .in spare time we walk around ,go to the cinema , to the park, cafes and just walking around the city and also we often go to each other's homes .over the past few months we became very friendly .anastasia is a great friend and a very good person .

At 9 o'clock 07 minutes 12 april 1961 was launched from the baikonur cosmodrome (to the east of the aral sea) on a spaceship "vostok" (weight - 4725 kg, orbital period -. 89.1 minutes, the maximum distance from the earth - 302 km). after 108 min. gagarin space flight safely landed on the left bank of the volga river near the village of smelovka tarnovo district of saratov region (20 km south-west from the city of engels). his flight gagarin 3 set new world records: altitude in space, duration of flight in space and carrying capacity of the spacecraft with a man on board. gagarin's flight was marked as a historic event peoples of the world. gagarin was awarded the title hero of socialist labor of czechoslovakia, and bulgaria. deputy of the supreme soviet of the 6th convocation.

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