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Перевести текст на язык в 4 года мама с папой записали меня в художественную школу. я любила её и мне там нравилось, но через 3 года мне надо было уходить из нее. мне было грустно. вскоре когд ас мне исполнилось 10 лет,я вновь попала в нее я была рада .сейчвс я обучаюсь в живописном отделении во 2 классе. мне там нравится и я хочу получить диплом, который мне пригодится в жизни

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In the four years mom and dad enrolled me in art school.i loved it and i really liked it, but after 3 years i had to leave her. i was very sad.when soon as i turned 10,i got back into it i was very happy .seychvs i am trained in the painting department in the 2nd grade.  i like it very much and i want to get a diploma that is useful to me in my life

At the age of 4, my mother and father signed me to art school.i loved her very much and liked it very much, but after 3 years i had to leave it. i was very sad.soon, when i turned 10 years old, i again got into it, i was very happy. seychvs i'm studying in the picturesque department in the 2 nd class.i really like it there and i want to get a diploma that will be useful to me in life

My name is dasha. my main hobby is music. i do have vocals during  4 years. i  sing very beautiful, play concerts, take part in various competitions which i usually take 1-2 places. i go to music school. i can play the piano and come up with a variety of beautiful melodies. and when i go to sleep i am  listening to music on the player.   i love   drawing.   i went to the art school. but it took only 2 years old, because she was too far from my house and i drive there was not profitable. however, i draw   every day and i love it.ну как-то так 

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