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1.after yesterday’s fall, the markets to previous levels. a) are now returning b) now return c) now returned d) is now returning 2. could we another time to meet next week? a) do b) convenient c) appoint d) fix 3. our new advertising includes tv, billboards and mail shots. a) policy b) campaign c) marketing d) sales 4. i’m responsible this factory. a) of b) on c) for d) with 5. a lot of changes place recently since he arrived. a) take b) have taken c) took d) are taking 6. is the money owed by one person or organisation to another. a) dividend b) investment c) debt d) recession 7. on of my company, i’d like to welcome you all. a) behalf b) charge c) responsible d) part 8. in many countries you get a visa. it’s the law. a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) should d) have to 9. we him an offer so let’s see if he accepts. a) took b) made c) did d) had 10. ok, let’s get to business. a) through b) up c) down d) in 11. if you gave us a 5% discount, we the size of our order. a) had increase b) would increase c) increased d) ‘ll increase 12. my job involves the machinery. a) to maintaining b) maintain c) to maintain d) maintaining 13. they’ve arrested him on charges of bribery and a) corruption b) dishonesty c) compensation d) commission 14. the meeting just ended and it agreed to delay the final decision until next friday. a) has been b) has c) had been d) is being

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1. a) are now returning 2. d) fix 3. b) campaign 4. c) for 5. b) have taken 6. c) debt 7. a) behalf 8. d) have to 9. b) made 10. c) down 11. b) would increase 12. d) maintaining 13. a) corruption 14. a) has been

1.how long have you known (to know) him. i have known (to know) him since 1967. 2. he lived (tolive) in brighton for 2 years and then went (to go) to manchester. 3.i read (to read) this book when i was at school. 4.the clock is slow. _it isn't slow , it has stopped (to stop). 5. the performance began (to begin) at 6 o'clock and lasted (to last) for 3 hours. 6.the lecture has just begun (to begin ) . you are a little late. 7.we have missed (to miss) the tram. now we'll have to walk .8. when did he arrive (to arrive) _ he arrived (to arrive) at 2 o'clock. 9. have you been (to be) here before? _ yes i spent (to spend) my holidays here last year. 10. why have you switched (to switch on) the light? it is not dark yet. 11. he left (to leave) for the far east two years ago and i haven't seen (not to see) him since. 12.have you found (to find) the key which you lost (to lose ) yesterday? _ yes i found (to find) it in the pocket of my other coat.

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