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Соотнеси колонки. 1.the great lakes a)stretch in the east 2.texas b)lie in the north of the usa 3.the colorado c)borders on mexico in the south like arizona and new mexico 4.washington d)is the capital of the usa 5.washington, d.c. e)stretch along the coast 6.florida f)is a state in the north-west 7.the appalachians g)flows south 8.the rocky mountains h) lies in the south of the usa

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Имхо: 1b, 2c, 3g, 4f, 5d, 6e, 7a, 8h

1  the phone rang when i was taking a shower. 2  it began to rain when i was walking home. 3  we saw an accident when we waited for the bus

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