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Рассказ о жизни людей в 22 веке на языке

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Начало 21 века в представлении наших предков и в научном, и в общественном смысле было гораздо развитей, чем на самом деле: пока в небе не видно летающих автомобилей, также загрязняется атмосфера, и не прекращаются войны… тем не менее, от прогнозов на будущее по-прежнему никто не отказывается, и футурологи, изучая современные тенденции, делают свои предположения, каким будет мир в 22 веке.  исчезновение естественной среды обитания животный и растительный мир уже давно страдает от деятельности человека. мы вырубаем леса, строим города, меняем направления рек, тем самым заставляя животных менять свой ареал. предположительно, уже в 22 веке большинство млекопитающих не смогут жить в естественных условиях. единственные места, где они смогут обитать, будут составлять заповедники, количество которых по разным причинам будет не таким уж и большим. к слову, учёные предполагают, что к 2100 году полностью вымрут такие виды, как западная горилла, бенгальский тигр, чёрный носорог, дикий осёл и бантенг. перевод: the beginning of the 21st century in the view of our ancestors and in the scientific and social sense, was much stronger than really are: while in the sky are seen flying cars also pollute the atmosphere, do not stop the however, forecasts for the future still no one refuses, and futurists, exploring current trends, make their own predictions, what will the world in the 22nd century.  the disappearance of the natural habitat of flora and fauna have long been suffering from human activities. we cut down the forests, build cities, change the direction of rivers, thus forcing the animals to change their habitat. presumably, already in the 22nd century most mammals can't live in natural conditions. the only place where they may dwell, will be reserves, the amount of which for various reasons is not so great and. by the way, the scientists suggest that by the year 2100 is a fully extinct species such as the western gorilla, bengal tiger, black rhinoceros, wild ass and banteng.

The russian village of shuvalovka is a cultural experience. visitors see, what life was in the village hundreds years ago. the modern village of shuvalovka is the copy of how society looked in 1714. for many years different people received the earth, built buildings and shops. the village recreated traditional log srubny houses in which till the 18th century peasants lived in novgorod. in each house there is the russian furnace where the family cooked food. there are also restored shops and factories which provided people with products. other sight in the village is the oil meadow. this place was and remains an ideal place for entertainments. many holidays, popular sports tournaments, exhibitions and musical events are held here all the year round. in winter months in the village festive events are also held, and the skating rink, driving on sledge from a hill, traditional horse jumps and walks on horses is offered.

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