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1.перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательного. 1.the island of okinawa in japan has some of the oldest people in the world. 2.bhutan in the himalayan mountains is becoming more and more popular with tourists. 3.iceland is the healthiest country in the world because men and women live a long time there. 4.the researchers decided that denmark feels happier than other countries. 5.the grand canyon is one of the most important geological sites in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. на острове окинава в японии есть одни старейшие люди в мире 2. в горах гималаи становится все популярнее и популярнее среди туристов 3. исландия - самая здоровая в мире, потому что мужчины и женщины живут долгое время там. 4. исследователи решили, что данмарк чувствует себя счастливее остальные страны. 5. большой каньон - один из важнейших геологических сетей в мире.

2) americans and englishmen speak the same language. the differece between difference between languages is some words and slang, and pronunciation of some sounds.3) british and american people understand each other compleatly. but in other situations they can use different verbs and words.  4)the differece between difference between languages is some words and slang, and pronunciation of some sounds.5)differences in vocabulary can lead to appearance of different languages  6) i think, americans more ready to accept new customs than british? because america has got more different nationalities.7) people of other country came to the country and stay there.8) i think, pronunciation changes more in time9) yes, i am. but each nation hears another language in different ways. 

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