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Заполнить пропуски необходимыми фразами. dear…, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to tell you about… well, … by the way, …? …? …? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear rachel, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to talk about a new coffee house that opened near my house.well, since it was opened quite recently, i was there only once and tried a great espresso. there are very polite staff and i hope that when you arrive we will go there. by the way, how is your sister? did she enter a medical college? did she find new friends there? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex удачи.

1. если вы не знаете какие-то слова, вы можете использовать словарь. 2. некоторые выпускники работают в различных отраслях промышленности, в то время как другие ведут научно-исследовательскую работу в различных научно-исследовательских институтах. 3. люди научились рисовать картинки предметов вокруг себя задолго до того, как  они  научились писать. 4. есть много высших учебных заведений в россии, где молодые люди могут получить высшее образование

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