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Спо .яз: complete the sentences with a posessive pronoun. 1. they aren't our are at home. 2. this isn't my pencil is yellow. 3. maria's got am mp3 player. this mp3 player is 4. they aren't your marker are in your bag. 5. it isn't my parents' is black. choose the correct option, a, b or c: 1. my friend tom has got a name is alice. a. hers b.his c.her 2. tom's sister is 15 and __ is 16. a. i b. my c. mine 3. alice has got a name is sport. a. it b. its c.it's sisters are the best friends. a. our b. ours c. we are interested in music. a. their b. they c. theirs 6. is __ family similar or diffrent? a. you b. your c. yours

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1. they aren't our books. ours are at home. 2. this isn't my pencil case. mine is yellow. 3. maria's got am mp3 player. this mp3 player is hers. 4. they aren't your marker pens. yours are in your bag. 5. it isn't my parents' car. theirs is black.1. my friend tom has got a name is alice. c. her 2. tom's sister is 15 and __ is 16. c. mine 3. alice has got a name is sport. b. its sisters are the best friends. a. our are interested in music. b. they 6. is __ family similar or diffrent? b. your

Роберт скотт – моряк, исследователь антарктиды, признанный национальный герой великобритании. один из первооткрывателей южного полюса, возглавивший две экспедиции в антарктику. родился 6 июня 1868 года в плимуте, . роберт скотт выявил гигантский шельфовый ледник и хребет большой протяженности. датой его смерти принято считать 29 марта 1912 года.  robert scott - sailor, english explorer of antarctica, britain recognized national hero. one of the pioneers of the south pole, who led two expeditions to the antarctic. born june 6, 1868 in plymouth, england. robert scott found a giant ice shelf and long-haul backbone. the date of his death is considered to be 29 march 1912.

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