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1.i (used to / would) get free milk at school when i was a boy. 2.it (used to / would) be very hot in summer at that time. 3.he (used to / would) give her a lift to work in the days before she passed her test. 4.there (used to / would) be a lot of fun around here in the old days. 5.france (used to / would) be a monarchy but now it’s a republic. 6.i (used to / would) live alone when i was a student. 7. i (used to / would) like going to pop concerts when i was a teenager. 8.my father didn’t know that we (used to / would) borrow his car when he was at work. 9. when the weather was good, we (used to / would) go walking in the countryside. 10.the children (used to / would) stand up when an adult came into the class in the old days.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i  would   get free milk at school when i was a boy.  2. it  used to   be very hot in summer at that time. 3. he  would   give her a lift to work in the days before she passed her test. 4. there  used to   be a lot of fun around here in the old days. 5. france  used to   be a monarchy but now it’s a republic. 6. i  used to   live alone when i was a student. 7. i  would   like going to pop concerts when i was a teenager. 8. my father didn’t know that we  used to   borrow his car when he was at work. 9. when the weather was good , we  would   go walking in the countryside. 10. the children  used to   stand up when an adult came into the class in the old days.

Алекс, я в крыму. погода ужасна! здесь был шторм с громом и молниями вчера. я не могу увидеть на что похоже это место. тут так туманно! мы не купаемся и находимся в палатке почти всё время. я не могу дождаться, когда мы приедем домой. твой, стив.

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