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4. поставьте предложения в present perfect и наречия just, yet, already, ever, never в соответствующее место в предложении. 1. i'm closing the door, (just) 2. she's filling the; coffee pot. (already) 3. are you visiting mr. brown? (ever) 4. are you listening to that record? (yet) 5, no, i'm not listening to it.(yet) 6. is he finishing his work. (already) 7. isn't he starting to weed the garden? (yet) 8. they're playing tennis, (never) 9. we're borrowing stefan's dictionary, (already) 10. is mr. brown travelling to europe? (ever)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have just closed the door, (just) 2. she has already filled the coffee pot. (already) 3. have you ever visited mr. brown? (ever) 4. have you listened to that record yet? 5, no, i haven’t listened to it yet 6. has he already finished his work? (already) 7. hasn't he started to weed the garden yet? (yet) 8. they have never played tennis, (never) 9. we have already borrowed stefan's dictionary, (already) 10. has mr. brown ever travelled to europe? (ever)

1. i just has closed the door 2. she has already filled the coffee pot 3. have you ever visited mr. brown? 4. have you listened to that record yet? 5. no, i hasn't listened to it yet 6. has he already finished his work? 7. hasn't he started to weed the garden yet? 8. they have never played tennis 9. we have already borrowed stefan's dictionary 10. has mr. brown ever travelled to europe?


1. did you catch the bus this morning?

2. where were

1. already

2. at

3. yet

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