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Найди и исправь ошибки. 1. these flowers are smelling quite nice. 2. are you understading this rule now? 3. it rains at the moments. 4. i am liking black coffee. 5. he is speaking three languages. 6. i think mexico is a beautiful city. 7. restaurants are staying open late in spain. 8. we usually have lunch at one o'clock 9. he is having a flat in the centre 10. what are you thinking of shakespeare

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. these flowers smell quite nice.

2. do you understand this rule now?

3. it is raining at the moments.

4. i like black coffee.

5. he speaks three languages.

6. i think mexico is a beautiful city. ok

7. restaurants stay open late in spain.

8. we usually have lunch at one o'clock -- ok

9. he has a flat in the centre

10. what do you think of shakespeare?

Afriend in need is a friend indeed. ( друг  познается  в  беде.)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a man is known by the company he keeps.(скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты.)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@as you sow, so you reap. (что посеешь, то и пожнешь.)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ a broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.( треснувшую дружбу можно склеить (спаять), но она никогда уже не будет прочной. )

Популярно: Английский язык