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Напишите все времена активного и пассивного залога с формулами вопросительного,отрицательного предложения с примерами

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Active voice / passive voice. (главное различие в том, что в active voice подлежащее совершает действие, а в passive voice - над подлежащим действие совершается кем- или чем-либо.) примеч. - 3 формы глагола read: read - read - read, различается по произношению. 1. present simple. 1.1 he reads a book. / the book is read by him. #утвердительное предложение# 1.2. he doesn't read a book. / the book isn't read by him. #отрицательное предложение# 1.3. does he read a book? / is the book read by him? 2. past simple. 2.1. he a book. / the book was read by him. 2.2 he didn't read a book. / the book wasn't read by him. 2.3. did he read a book? / was the book read by him? 3. future simple. 3.1. he read a book. / the book will be read by him. 3.2. he won't read a book. / the book won't be read by him. 3.3. will he read a book? / will the book be read by him? 4. present continious. 4.1. he is reading a book. / the book is being read by him. 4.2. he isn't reading a book. / the book isn't being read by him. 4.3. is he reading a book? / is the book being read by him? 5. past continious. 5.1. he was reading a book. / the book was being read by him. 5.2. he wasn't reading a book. / the book wasn't being read by him. 5.3. was he reading a book? / was the book being read by him? 6. future continious. 6.1. he will be reading a book. / the book will be being read by him. 6.2. he won't be reading a book. / the book won't be being read by him. 6.3. will he be reading a book? / will be the book being read by him? думаю, ассоциацию можно уловить. при желании и наличии времени можно расписать так все 12 времен в обоих залогах. но здесь я описала основные шесть.

Frog can skip-лягушка умеет скакать frog can sing- лягушка умеет петь frog can jump-лягушка умеет прыгать

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