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A. mobile phones are wonderful devices. we use them to be in touch with our friends and relatives. many people use smartphones to find out what’s going on in the world but some people find mobile phones so useful that they can’t live without them. when they’re not sleeping, these people use phones to check e-mails and text messages about a hundred times a day! b. people who use their phones so often may develop “nomophobia” –they are afraid that they will be helpless without their phones. nomophobia is short for “no-mobile-phone-phobia”. a lot of people have this phobia. in a uk study, 66% of the 1000 people said they were afraid of losing their phones. c. it is known that 41 per cent of people have two or more phones. many people say they need an extra phone if one of the phones is broken, suddenly runs out of batteries, or they lose it. women are more worried about losing their phones than men. 77 per cent of young people have nomophobia. another group are people who are older than 55. brendon tully, 23, says: “for me, life would be impossible without my phone.” do you think you’ve got nomophobia? mobile phones help us with our friends and family. mobile phones help us with our friends and family. what do people with nomophobia need when something happens to their phone? they need life without a phone would be for brendon tully. заполнить пропуски !

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Mobile phones help us to be in touch  with our friends and family.what do people with nomophobia need when something happens to their phone? they need  an extra phone if one of the phones is broken, suddenly runs out of batteries, or they lose itlife without a phone would be  impossible  for  brendon tully.

  *do you like watching films? - yes. i do. i like watching films very much.• is watching a film more interesting than reading a book? - somethimes watching a film is more interesting for me- when i go to the cinema with my friends to see 3 d film.• what films made you laugh a lot? - of course i like comedy films and cartoons and they make me laugh  a lot.• what films made you cry? - thrillers and horrors make me cry• what films sent you to sleep? - only love stories send me to sleep• what films made you feel good? - it may  be different  optimistic films  or films about historical events and heroes• what films made you buy the soundtrack? - sometimes i buycd after watching a film but it depends only on music not a film• is there a big difference watching a film on video at home and in the cinema? - there is a big difference    watching a film on video at home and in the cinema. i prefer to watch films in the movie• do you like science fiction films? why (why i like science fiction films because i think it may be our future.besides. i like to imagine it and compare with events in the film.

• have you ever watched a horror film alone? - yes. i had such an experience it was • do you know the popular american expressions for 'film' and 'cinema'? " movie"  and "picture" are popular american expressions for 'film' and 'cinema'• who is your favourite actor and favourite actress? why? - i like angelina jollie and brad pit. i think they are very talented actors.• what is the best film you have ever seen? who was in it? who was it directed by? - "сaribbean sea pirates"is the best film i have ever seen. jonny depp had the main role in it. it*s a pity but i don*t remember the name of its director.

• when were you last in the cinema? was the film thrilling, exciting, scary, humorous, funny, gripping? did you enjoy it? - last sunday i was in the cinema. i saw "travelling 2" . this  film is connected with jul vern*s book "captain nemo", it was an exciting  adventure film with elements of fantastics and beautiful landscapes. i liked it very much.• have you ever watched the same film more than twice? why? - yes. i saw some films not twice but 8 or 10 times. i know a lot of phrases. all heroes but every time i see it as if it is the first time! • what do you think the success of a film depends on? - i think the success of a film depends on  script. acrtesses and actors, film*s budget. director. producer and many other things.

*what is your favourite genre (action films, romances, comedies, thrillers, westerns, adventure films, horror films, cartoons, science fiction films, animated films,

as for me i like to watch all films with good subject. i donn*t like to see westerns.

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