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Моя любимая комната . в моей комнате есть диван на котором я сплю ,рабочий стол со стулом ,деревяная полка. обои фиолетовые с цветечками. я люблю свою комнату! перевидите на

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favorite room. in my room there are sofa, where i can sleep, a desk with a chair and a  wooden shelf. wallpaper purple with flowers. i like my room!

My favorite room .in my room there is a sofa on which i sleep ,a work desk with chair ,a wooden shelf. wallpaper purple cotechini.i love your room!

1)Are children playing the musical chairs?

2)Are your friends eating traditional food?

3)Is Ben wearing a superman costume?

4)Is Marge making toffee apples?

5My parents aren’t decorating the garden.

6)The children aren’t watching the firework display.

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