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5закончите предложения, используя новый вокабуляр. 5 complete the sentences using your new vocabulary. 1) i don’t think it’s fair . 2) don’t you remember that we are supposed 3) it’s your duty to . 4) i’m not sure who invented . 5) how can we reach 6) i suppose you will . 7) do you have the courage to 8) can you hold 9) have you any evidence that 10) if a person tells lies .

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Ответы на вопрос:

  reach  inventdutyfairsuppose  hold  investigate  evidencecourage  rewarding

1) they no longer advertise (рекламируют) alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events.

2) she admitted that she was unable to compromise. (пойти на компромисс).

3) the doctor said i should exercise (/разрабатывать) my knee every morning.

4) i’ve got to revise (повторять) my geography.

5) his lawyers advised (посоветовали) him not to comment.

6) i felt that the other kids despised (презирали) me for making mistakes.

7) i forgot to bring my notes, so i had to improvise. (импровизировать).

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