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Перевести с на без переводчика этот текст о короле который думал что он умеет хорошо рисовать но рисовал плохо .люди которым он показывал свои картины боялись сказать ему правду .все они говорили что они любят его картины сильно .но однажды король показал свои картины великому художнику который жил в его стране.он хотел знать что художник думает о его картинах .но художник увидев картины сказал что они плохие .король рассердился и посадил художника в тюрьму.но мысль о том что его картины плохие не давала королю покоя .и он задумал хитрый план.король решил подкупить художника.после двух лет он выпустил художника из тюрьмы и пригласил его на обет .после обеда король снова показал художнику свои картины и спросил нравятся ли его картины критику сейчас .король надеялся что ужин на который он пригласил художника как то повлияет на ответ критика но художник был честным человеком .поэтому ничего не сказав он попросил солдата который стоял возле него вернуть его обратно в тюрьму

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This text about the king who thought that he can draw very well but painted very badly. the people he showed his paintings were afraid to tell him the truth. they all said that they love his paintings very much. but one day the king showed his pictures to the great artist who lived in his country. he wanted to know what the artist thinks about his paintings. but the artist seeing the pictures said that they are bad. the king was very angry and planted the artist in jail. but the idea that his pictures were bad did not give the king of peace. and he conceived a cunning plan. king decided to bribe the artist. after two years he released the artist from prison and invited him to a vow. after dinner, the king again showed the artist his pictures and asked whether his pictures like criticism now. the king hoped that dinner for which he invited the artist as that will affect the response of the critic but the artist was an honest man. therefore, without saying anything, he asked a soldier who was standing near him to bring him back to prison

The White House has undergone four major phases of construction with its beginnings in 1792 and subsequent reconstruction in 1817 and renovations in 1902 and 1948-1952 (The White House-construction: website). In 1901 President Theodore Roosevelt officially named the President's residence the "White House" (The White House-name: website). The White House is the oldest known government building and has undergone many changes including styles, rooms, and outward appearance.

It all started in 1792 when architect James Hoban worked with George Washington, and they decided that the new two-story structure would be made of stone or brick, enhanced by elegant gardens and lawns. In 1807 pavilions and terraces were added to the east and west sides of the main building (The White House-structure: website). The British set fire to the house during the War of 1812. The interior was destroyed while the exterior walls remained intact (The White House-fire: website). In 1815 James Hoban rebuilt the White House the same way it was first built (The White House-structure: website). The south portico was built in 1824. In 1829 James Hoban made his final contribution to the White House by completing the north portico (The White House-building: website). Also added were ornamental iron fences which surround the structure and running water was piped into the house (The White House-water: website). Next, Andrew Jackson creates the White House orangey in 1835 which is demolished in 1857 to make room for a new treasury wing.

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