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50 заполните пропуски в конструкции complex subject соответствующими грамматическими формами инфинитива в активном или пассивном залоге 1. this man is lot (to travel). 2. our neighbours are (to leave). 3. these people are moscow recently (to arrive). 4. this book is its author in prison (to write). 5. this bill is them soon (to pay). 6. these people are us still (to wait). 7. this idea is very positive (to be). 8. our work is the chief already (to show). 9. this crime is a woman (to commit). 10. a new book by this author is in shops (to sell). 11. our secretary is letters now (to translate). 12. our managers are a new club (to invite).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to travel 2. to leave 3. to arrive 4. to be written 5. to be paid 6. to be waiting 7. to be 8. to have been shown 9. to have been committed 10.to be sold 11. to be translating 12. to be invited

Ben is good friend in worid he walks whith me in the park

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