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48.заполните пробелы местоимениями some, any, пои прилагательным every. 1. have you water in the bottle? 2. i have water. you can drink it. 3. there water in the bottle, i am afraid. i can't give . 4. you can see children in the street. they run and jump. 5. is there bread on the table? 6. there is bread, i’m afraid. 7. man in the company has got a new car. 8. people in the company have got new cars. 9. i want milk, please! 10. there is milk. you can have lemonade. 11. there' water in that bottle. 12. i'm afraid, there isn't coffee. 13. i want to buy ( books but i haven’t got . 14. is information for me? 15. are people in the room?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have you got any water in the bottle? 2. i have got some water. you can drink it.3. there is no water in the bottle, i am afraid. i can't give you any.4. you can see some children in the street. they run and jump.5. is there  any bread on the table? 6. there is no bread, i’m afraid. 7. every man in the company has got a new car. 8. no people in the company have got new cars. 9. i want some milk, please! 10. there is no milk. you can have  some lemonade. 11. there's some water in that bottle. 12. i'm afraid, there isn't  any coffee. 13. i want to buy  some new books but i haven’t got any money. 14. is there any information for me? 15. are there any people in the room?

1. В complex object после глаголов не испоьзуется частица to.


a) 1. My parents want me to know English.

2. They want me to repeat English words before I go to bed.

3. The don't want me to be lazy

4. I want you to meet my parents.

b) 1. I obserevd my father work on a computer.

2. I saw my mother bake cakes .

3. I saw an old woman enter the bus.


1, 3, 4


1) My hobby is drawing. My mother's hobbies are reading and knitting.

2) I'm sorry for interrupting you.

3) Kindly do it again

4) What should I visit in your town?


1) It needs cleaning

2) It needs cutting

3) It needs washing


1) He enjoys watching TV

2) We like to listen to classical music

3) I am fond of reading.

4) She is interested in learning languages.

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