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Сделать unlike old cities, such as rome or london, new york is relatively young. it was founded in the 17th century. now new york is the largest city of the united states and one of the largest cities in the world. its population is nearly eight million. it is partly situated at the estuary of the hudson river on manhattan island. new york city consists of five boroughs: brooklin, the bronx, manhattan, queens and richmond. manhattan is the real centre of the city and it chiefly comprises manhattan island. most of the interesting shops, buildings and museums are situated in manhattan. it is the centre of new york's busy night life. wall street in manhattan is the financial centre of the united states. it's a street of skyscrapers. one of the well-known buildings in manhattan is the empire state building with its 102 floors. for the 25.000 people who work in it, it is just "the office", but for the tourists it is a place from which, on a clear day, you can see fifty miles into five different states of america. among the highest skyscrapers is the new york world trade centre with its 110 floors. in fine weather lots of new yorkers go to central park to enjoy the sun arid fresh air near the lakes and woods. along the east side of central park runs fifth avenue. it is the most fashionable street in the city with famous department stores, like b. airman's and macy's, and wonderful jewellery shops, like carrier's. south of central park there is times square and the united nations building. broadway is the street where you can find new york's best known theatres but most of the theatres and places of entertainment are actually located on the side streets near times square. new york has a famous opera house, the metropolitan, and the carnegie hall, the city's most popular concert hall. in manhattan at broadway аnd 116 street there is the campus of columbia university, the biggest educational establishment of new york, and near it there are houses of harlem. actually there are three harlems: spanish, italian and negro harlem. negro harlem is the most overcrowded and dirty with a lot old shabby houses and slums. new york is a complete contradiction between the exciting broadway, fifth avenue; the empire state building and the shocking slums of harlem. there are parts of new york which have their own very specific character: china town where even telephone boxes look like miniature pagodas, and greenwich village - the student quarter of new york with its bohemian cafes and theatre groups. it's easy to find one's way in new york. the avenues, except broadway, run north and south; streets run east and west and are numbered and parallel to each other. the avenues which cross the streets are often named. new york buses are easy to use. the "shoppers shuttle" and the "culture loops" buses 11 stop at some of the best known stores and tourist places. you can get on and off as many times as you like in one day with only one ticket. there are more than 30 000 taxis in new york. they are easy to see because they are bright yellow and carry large taxi signs. people give a taxi driver a tip of 15% extra. the subway provides the cheapest and fastest way of traveling. a trip on the new york subway is a complete mystery to many tourists. local trains operate in down town manhattan; express trains pass through and occasionally stop, but they mainly go to the suburbs, so beware; you can be taken miles beyond your destination by mistake. the "shuttle" is a train which goes back and forth from west to east manhattan. much more tranquil is the staten island ferry. it costs very little and takes twenty minutes. it has been called "the cheapest sea-trip in the world". from the boat you get a magnificent view of the statue of liberty and the manhattan skyline. 1. fill in the blanks. 1. new york is the … of the united states of america. 2. it is partly situated at the … of the hudson river. 3. … is the real centre of the city. 4. wall street in manhattan is the …of the united states 5. one of the well known buildings in manhattan is the … . 6. from this building on a clear day you can see 7. in fine weather lots of new yorkers go to … to enjoy the sun and fresh air. 8. fifth avenue is the most …street in the city with its famous department stores 9. broadway is the street where you can find new york's … . 10. metropolitan is … . 11.the carnegie hall is … . 12. the biggest educational establishment in new york is … . 13. negro harlem is the most overcrowded and dirty with a lot of … . 14. greenwich village is … .

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4) send away i got the gate but i was going to leave anyway. - меня прогнали, но я все равно собирался уходить.

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