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Match to make sentences 1.we__ 2.we're__ 3.is it__ 4.will you__ 5.i won't__ 6.sadly,we're not going__ 7.will__ 8.ofcourse__ a. going to be cold? b. speak english, i'll speak russian! c. go to red square? d. are going to fly to russia next week! e. to see the bolshoi ballet perform. f. i will! g. you send me a postcard? h. going to stay in moscow!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.we_ d. are going to fly to russia next week! _2.we're_ h. going to stay in moscow! _3.is it_ a. going to be cold? _4.will you_ c. go to red square? _5.i won't_ b. speak english, i'll speak russian! _6.sadly,we're not going_ e. to see the bolshoi ballet perform._7.will_ g. you send me a postcard? _8.of course_ f. i will! _

1.d 2.h 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.e 7.g 8.f

1какого 2 какого 3 какой он ( 4 какие у него (неё) волосы?

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