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1. that was my bike. it a) my b) mine c)me 2. i heard a noise. there in the cupboard. a) anything b) something c) nothing 3. we haven't eggs to make an omelette. a) any b) some c) no 4. she is girl in our school. a) more beautiful b) most beautiful c) as beautiful as is your house? the one with the blue door. a) which b) what c) where 6. a rabbit than a lion. a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest have you been here? two weeks. a) how long b) how much c) how many you help me with my homework, please? a) needn't b) shall c) will 9. a uniform at work. a) mustn't b) needn't c) have to

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1.b 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.c

That was my bike. it was mine a) my b) mine c)me 2. i heard a noise. there is something in the cupboard. a) anything b) something c) nothing 3. we haven't got any eggs to make an omelette. a) any b) some c) no 4. she is the most beautiful girl in our school. a) more beautiful b) most beautiful c) as beautiful as 5which is your house? the one with the blue door. a) which b) what c) where 6. a rabbit is smaller than a lion. a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest 7how long have you been here? two weeks. a) how long b) how much c) how many 8will you help me with my homework, please? a) needn't b) shall c) will 9. policemen have to wear a uniform at work. a) mustn't b) needn't c) have to

1.galaxies(галактика-галактики)) 2.keys(ключ-ключи) 3.glasses(тут трудно. ведь glass- это стакан,а glasses-это очки) 4.torches(факел-факелы) 5.handkerchiefs(носовой платок-носовые платки) 6.factories(завод-заводы) 7.leafs(как бы лист что ли) 8.zoos(зоопарк-зоопарки) 9.prizes(приз-призы) 10.potato-potatoes(картофель) 11.piano-pianoes(пианино) 12.watch-watches(смотреть-смотрят) 13.goose-gooses(гусь-гуси) 14.fireman- 15.foot-foots(стопа-стопы) 16.mouse-mouses(мышь-мыши) 17.policewoman-policewomans(сотрудница полиции) 18.sheep-sheeps(овца-овцы) 19.deer-deers(олень-олени) 20.tooth-tooths(зуб-зубы) дальше не могу,извини

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