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Open the brackets using the present simple or present continuous tense forms.. (раскрыть скобки с использованием настоящего простого или настоящего продолженого формы времени) have you got a light? - sorry, i(not/smoke). (be) this information up-to-date? (include) it the most recent changes? what a beautiful dress you (wear)! you (look) gorgeous in it! the company(move) its headquarters to a new location.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have you got a light? - sorry, i am  not smoking was  this information up-to-date? (include) it the most recent changes? what a beautiful dress you are wearing! you looks gorgeous in it! the company is  moving its headquarters to a new location.

petrov is saying that.


this is said by petrov

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