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Переведите на язык без переводчика! заранее ) готовы заказать еду или вам нужно ещё несколько минут? будете заказывать гарнир? что будете пить? я бы хотел стакан лимонного сока. знаете рецепт грибного супа? нужно снижать содержание сахара, которого вы едите. какое самое популярное блюдо в россии? сахар и нездоровая пища – главная причина ожирения среди детей. я могу приготовить макароны на ужин. я люблю есть дома. терпеть не могу ходить по магазинам. человеческий скелет имеет более 200 костей, которые поддерживают и защищают наше тело.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Are you ready to order food or do you need a few more minutes? will you order a side dish? what will you drink? i would like a glass of lemon juice. do you know the recipe for mushroom soup? you need to reduce the sugar content that you eat. what is the most popular dish in russia? sugar and unhealthy foods are the main cause of obesity among children. i can cook macaroni for dinner. i like to eat at home. i hate to go shopping. the human skeleton has more than 200 bones that support and protect our body.

Are you ready to order food or do you need a few more minutes? will you order a side dish? what will you drink? i would like a glass of lemon juice. do you know the recipe for mushroom soup? you need to reduce the sugar content that you eat. what is the most popular dish in russia? sugar and unhealthy foods are the main cause of obesity among children. i can cook macaroni for dinner. i like to eat at home. i hate to go shopping. the human skeleton has more than 200 bones that support and protect our body.

-oh, liza, i haven`t seen you for so long time. where have you been?

-you are right, i haven`t been here for summer. last summer i visited new york.

-really? why didn`t you tell me about your trip at our last meeting?

-oh, i am sorry, last april i didn`t know about the trip. 

- ok. don`t worry. did you enjoy your trip?

-yes, of course. in my opinion new york is a wonderful city and also it is so extraordinay for us. 

- why do you think so?  

- because there are a lot of people and skyscrapes, but also new york has many parks and quiet streets. 

- yes, it is rather unusual. oh, tell me please what do you like most of all?

- i liked times square and the central park very much. 

- i am so happy for you. i want to ask you about english. did you learn it?  

- well, yes, i did. i went to summer courses and learn grammar there, but also i spoke with new york people, so i had a great practice.

- that`s good, i am in a hurry, so i have to go. i was so glad to meet you. bye.

- good luck, bye.


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