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Как правильно перевести на : жінки та діти стояли на площі , чи не так? ці чоловіки не вміють грати на фортепіано , чи не так? яскраве листя впало на дахи будинків , чи не так?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Women and children were standing on the square,aren't they  ? these men are not able to play on the piano, aren't there? bright leaves fell on the roofs of houses , isn't it? вроде так

Women and children were in the area, is not it? these men do not know how to play the piano, right? bright leaves fell on the rooftops, right?

ответ: if my kids run in the playground they become very thirsty. ( zero conditional)

If my kids run in the playground they will become very thirsty


Популярно: Английский язык