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Complete the sentences with or have to/has to 1.angela,tell your brother to harry up. be at music school on time. 2. listen,i want to speak with you about your argument with tom. tel me the truth. 3.the birthday cake is delicious. you try a piece of it. 4. why do you look so strange? have you got a temperature? you stay in bed and send for the doctor. 5.mum,give me a black pen. i a black pen at my maths exam.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a manager  has to  be sociable and polite, doesn't he?   2. it's hot and sunny. so i  have to  water my flowers every morning and afternoon.  3. do they  have to  wear a uniform at school?   4. my friend  has to  go to school on saturdays. he has got 5 lessons.  5. do i  have to  do all these exercises? they are really boring.  6. alice doesn't  have to  feed her pets. her mother has already fed them.  7. does each member  have to  speak english at the explorers' club?  

Это зелёный стол. is it a green table? в твоём предложении пропущен неопределённый артикль "a".

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