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Выберите правильный вариант 1.english (speaks/is spoken) in australia and canada 2.she (stidied/was studied )english at school 3.the window (broke/was broken) by the storm 4.my clothes (made/are made) in paris 5.the new hosital (will open/will be opened) by the mayor 6.eric (stopped/was stopped) by the police for speeding 7.where is your 's being repaired/it's been repaired) 8.how many languages are (spoken/will be spoken) in 2500? 9.baseball is (being played/is played) by two teams of nine players? 10.patatoes are (brought/were brought) to europe in 1500s

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. speaks 2. was studied 3. was broken 4. made 5. will be opened 6. was stopped 7. it's being repaired 8. will be spoken 9. is played 10. brought как-то так. надеюсь, я тебе. если тебе понравилось мое решение, ты можешь меня, поставив оценку или нажав "". удачи)


Популярно: Английский язык