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Ответы на вопрос:

1.home is home though be never so homely 2.the wider we roam,the welcome home 3.an englishman's home is his castle 4.every bird likes its own nest 5.as long as you are ready to die for humanity,the life of your country is immortal

1. The shepherd has made delicios cheese from the milk of his cow. 2. This sheep looks very impatient! It may have a rendezvous (побачення)! 3. I always feed my little rabbit soybeans and corn with some vitamins. 4. For Christmas, many French people eat ... turkey with chestnuts. 5. This  duck  is less famous than Donald Duck, the hero of a comic strip. 6. It is very cold outside. A stable (Конюшня) would be more comfortable for this   horse. 7. It is spring and this goat is happy to graze (щипать траву) on fresh grass in the sunny meadow. 8. A donckey has the reputation of being a stubborn animal, but it is often used to calm down nervous horses. 9. Every morning, our neighbours' cock wakes us up at sunrise. 10. This pig  is running so fast that nobody will be able to stop it.


Во втором честно говоря я очень не уверена, Свидания в мире животных мне неизвестны так детально

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