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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. 1)when he came home read) an interesting story about the animals. 2)kate entered the classroom when john stand) at the blackboard. 3)when his mother returned home (to do) his home exercises. 4)asel liked to listen to pop-music when she be) younger. 5)she didnt sleep when her play) the piano 6)when she came to his home she know)that leave for astana 7)aidar told us that invite) us to his birthday party in january. 8) my sister promised that she finish) her work in two days. 9) he asked me if i (to live) in paris 2 years before.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)when he came home she was reading an interesting story about the animals. 2)kate entered the classroom when john was standing at the blackboard. 3)when his mother returned home he had already done his home exercises. 4)asel liked to listen to pop-music when she was younger. 5)she didnt sleep when her brother was playing/played the piano 6)when she came to his home she didn't know that he had left (как вариант можно еще was leaving) for astana 7)aidar told us that he has invited us to his birthday party in january. 8) my sister promised that she will have finished her work in two days. 9) he asked me if i lived in paris 2 years before.

Как-то раз я пошел в лес за грибами. бродил я по лесу, бродил, собрал много грибов. стою радостный и думаю надо возвращаться. иду назад и понимаю что это место я вижу впервые - я заблудился. долго пытался найти дорогу назад, но мои попытки оказались неудачными. уже темно, я в лесу, не знаю что делать, как возвращаться. неожидано где-то неподалеку услышал хруст палки. я надеясь на то, что это охотник или грибник побежал в ту сторону. пробежав примерно 40 метров, я в темноте разглядел фигуру. подойдя ближе, я понял, что это не человек, это медведь. он заметил меня, я побежал и он за мной. я споткнулся и упал. (конец сама додумывай, хорошую или плохую концовку? )

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