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50 ! найти ошибки в предложениях. текст должен быть в present simple.i'd like to describe you my working day. i hate getting up early, but i got used to it. on weekdays i usually get up at 6. i make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go the kitchen to have breakfast. i do not like big breakfast, i prefer a cup of tea and a sandwich. i leave the house at 7.20 .then i go to college on foot. it takes me 30 minutes to get to college. lessons begin at 8: 00 a. m. and finish at about 3 p. m. i seldom have lunch in the college canteen. i usually take a packed lunch with me. at 3 o'clock i come home and eat light porridges. after my dinner, i have a rest for a couple of hours and then i do my homework. if i have some spare time i do some work about the house. i sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. i usually have supper at 6 o'clock p. m. then i go on with my work. as a rule, i finish doing my homework at about 8 o'clock. at 10 i go to bed.

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Imake my bed, wash my face and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. остальное верно! молодец!

1) работа женщин в вандерских племенах заключалась в том, что они производили бытовые изделия. 2) франклин был первым, кто разработал новую теорию электричества. 3) чтобы получить больше прибыли, фирма должна отличаться своей технологией. 4) есть только один щнак, чтобы быть замеченным.

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