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Complete the sentences. use the comparative form of the adjectives. 1.-fred’s bicycle isn’t very fast. he wants a bicycle 2.this computer isn’t very modern. she wants a . 3.she is not very polite. her sister is 4• lucy doesn’t draw very well. i 5. my car isn’t very comfortable. yours .these roses are very beautiful. those daffodils 7.the weather is hot today. it was yesterday 8.my bag is very heavy. but yours

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he wants a faster bicycle 2. she wants a moderner/more modern computer. оба варианта применимы 3. her sister is politer/more polite. оба варианта применимы4. i draw better. 5. my car isn’t very . yours is more comfortable.6. those daffodils are more beautiful. 7. it was hotter yesterday 8. but yours is heavier.


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