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Мой самый любимый художник леонардо да винчи он красиво рисует и изброжает на своих риснках у лионардо большая фонтазия я срисовывал его рисунки это моя колекция у меня их 15 с на

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favorite painter is leonardo da vinci. he draws and depicts on his pictures very wonderful. leonardo has a big fantasy. i copied his pictures. this is my collection. i have fifteen collections.

My most beloved artist is leonardo da vinci. he draws very beautifully and depicts in his drawings. leonardo has a big fantasy. i copied his drawings. this is my collection. i have 15 of them если что, то у леонардо да винчи всего 14 картин, одна утеряна, авторство другой оспаривается

Hello, my name is(твоё имя). My hobbe painting. I love painting, im painting a peoples, animals, flower sand so on. I used to go to school of fine art.My family loves the way I draw, they admire me and they have a lot to brag about.When I have nothing to do, I paint.I participated in many drawing competitions and took the first second third place.I am very glad that God gave me the opportunity to draw beautifully. Я не могла дальше поэтому тут 8 предложении.. Надеюсь

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