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Переведите с на (не переводчиком): -родился в москве, россия. -окончил гимназию страхова в москве и поступил на естественное отделение - факультета московского государственного университета(мгу). -окончил отделение - факультета мгу по специальности - и, по предложению академика н.д.зелинского, был оставлен при университете для подготовки к профессорскому званию. -ассистент, доцент, профессор кафедры органической факультета мгу. -заведующий лабораторией органической института удобрений и инсектофунгицидов(москва). -присуждена учёная степень доктора наук и присвоено звание профессора. -действительный член института мгу - заведующий лабораторией металлоорганических соединений института органической ан (иох ан ) -избран членом-корреспондентом ан . -директор иох ан . -избран действительным членом ан . -декан факультета мгу. -ректор московского государственного университета им. м.в.ломоносова. -президент ан . -член бюро отделения наук ан . -академик-секретарь отделения общей и технической ан . -член экспертной комиссии по присуждению золотой медали им. м.в.ломоносова ан .

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Iwas born in moscow, russia. he graduated from the strakhov gymnasium in moscow and enrolled in the natural department of the physics and mathematics faculty of the moscow state university (msu). -i graduated from the physics and mathematics department of moscow state university, specializing in physical chemistry and, at the suggestion of academician nd zelinsky, was left at the university to prepare for the professorship. -assistant, associate professor, professor of the department of organic chemistry of chemical faculty of moscow state university. - head of the laboratory of organic chemistry of the institute of fertilizers and insecto-fungicides (moscow). -the academic degree of doctor of chemical sciences is awarded and awarded the title of professor. -the real member of the institute of chemistry of the moscow state university is the head of the laboratory of organometallic compounds of the institute of organic chemistry of the ussr academy of sciences (iokh an sssr) -selected corresponding member of the ussr academy of sciences. -director of the academy of sciences of the ussr academy of sciences. - elected member of the academy of sciences of the ussr. - dean of the faculty of chemistry of moscow state university. - rector of moscow state university. m.v. lomonosov. -president of the ussr academy of sciences. - member of the bureau of the department of chemical sciences of the ussr.

1. does he read books almost every day? 2. does she do her home work properly?   3. does your mother knit very well? 4. do you often write letters to your friends? 5. do they play football very well? 6. does it snow all winters here? 7. do we have dinner at 2 o clock almost every day? 8. does it rain all days in summer? 9. do you usually tell interesting stories? 10. does the girl draw the nice pictures at her lessons on art? 1. how often does he read books? 2. what does she do properly?   3. how does your mother knit? 4. whom do you often write letters to? 5. what game do they play very well? 6. where does it snow all winters? 7. what do we have at 2 o clock almost every day? 8. when does it rain all days? 9. what stories do you usually tell? 10. what pictures does the girl draw at her lessons on art?

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