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4. подберите эквивалент к данному слову. 9. ученый a) scientific; b) scientist; c) science. 10. экология a) interdependence; b) ecology; c) environment. 11. точный a) exact; b) exaction; c) exacting. 12. значение a) important; b) import; c) importance. 13. окружающая среда a) environment; b) ecology; c) environmental. 14. защита a) protection; b) protective; c) protector. 15. расти a) to increase; b) to grow; c) to double.

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9) b   10)b 11)a 12)a 13)a 14)a 15)б

Circle the correct verb. 1)we have finished our work. its time to have a rest now. 2)in the last science lesson student wrote a very difficult test. 3)we have done this exercise. give us the next one. 4)i cant eat anymore. i have eaten too much. 5)eight russian sportsmen have become world champions lately. 6)i have lost my key. can you help me to open door?

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