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Translate 1. я трачу слишком много времени на просмотр телевизора. 2. согласно недавно проведенному опросу, люди проводят в интернете больше времени, чем 5 лет назад. 3. у меня много родственников в америке. 4. я дружу со своими соседями. 5. у меня есть знакомый в этой компании. 6. три месяца назад он весил 90 килограмм. 7. я изучая язык. 8. все кроме него написали тест. 9. его племяннице 20 лет. 10. она жила с отцом и мачехой 11. он только что закончил смотреть футбольный матч. 12. они оба виноваты. 13. я навещал своих дальних родственников 5 лет назад? 14. они не были в москве с 1995 года. 15. у его коллеги сегодня день рождения.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i spend too much time around tv. 2. according to the recent servey, people are spending a lot time on internet than five years ago. 3. i have a lot of relatives in america. 4. i friend with my neighbourhood. 5. i have a friend in this company. 6. three years ago he weighted 90 kg. 7. i studing english language. 8. all but him wrote this test. 9.  his niece is twenty years old. 10. she lived with dad and stepmother. 11. he just finishing watching a football match. 12. the both a blame. 13. i visited my distant relatives five years ago. 14. they have not been to moscow since 1995. 15. his colleague has a birthday today.

1. i spend too much time watching tv. 2. according to a recent survey, people spend more time on the internet than 5 years ago. 3. i have many relatives in america. 4. i am friends with my neighbors. 5. i have an acquaintance in this company. 6. three months ago he weighed 90 kilograms. 7. i'm studying english. 8. all but him wrote a test. 9. his niece is 20 years old. 10. she lived with her father and stepmother 11. he just finished watching a football match. 12. they are both to blame. 13. i visited my distant relatives 5 years ago? 14. they have not been to moscow since 1995. 15. his colleague has a birthday today.

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