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Поставьте глаголы в present,past или future simple. 1. the devclopment of many sciences (to depend) on the knowledge of physical phenomena. 2. the workers (ro complete) the construction of this modern house in a month. 3. during our last experiment we (lo keep) the temperature at the point of 20 degrees. 4. last century scientists (to make) a close study of the structure of natural rubber. 5. we (to conduct) the experiments in the laboratory when the new term begins. 6. many factors (ta influence) the intensity of this process. 7. all over the worid architects widely (to use) concrete for bridge construction. 8. the street (to be) so narrow rhat we (to have) to widen it next year. 9. he (to be interested) in motor cars in his childhood. 10. the results of his last experiment entirely (to prove) his theory. 1 1. everybody (to consider) his invention useless at that time. 12. our power station (to produce) a grcat deal ofelectricity every year. 13 some inventors (to suppose) that in the future we (to use) trains without drivers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. depends 2. will complete 3. kept 4. made 5. will conduct 6. influence 7. use 8. is, will have 9. is interested in 10. proved 11. considered 12. produces 13. suppose, will use

agree, discuss, justify, government, interaction, define, apply, informality, product,   successful, regulate, cooperate, involve, refuse, obligation,   international, citizen, law

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