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Choosethe correct phrase underlined in each sentence. 1. what time go you/do you go to bed on saturdays ? 2. why are you waiting/do you waiting outside the door? 3. don’t ask tim. he doesn’t know/not knows the answer. 4. i having/i’m having my lunch at the moment. 5. when you leave/do you leave the house ? 6. i don’t understand. what is happening/is happen? 7. excuse me, does you know/do you know the time? 8. this is a great party. i’m having/am i having a lovely time. 9. we can’t use the lift because it don’t works/doesn’t work. 10.what you are doing/are you doing here?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1do you go 2 are you waiting 3 doesn't know 4 i having 5 do you leave 6 is happen 7 do you know 8 i ' m having 9 doesn't work 10 are you doing

1) clothes 2) shirt 3) shoes 4) shorts 5) umbrella 6) mittens

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