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Come and meet my family,mummy; daddy,my brother and me ! come and meet my family! mummy ,daddy,my sister and me! come and meet my family! grandma and grandma and grandpa are coming for tea! как правильно прочесть

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Ответы на вопрос:

Кам энд миит май фамили мамми дэдди май бразер энд ми кам энд миит май фамили мамми дэдди май систер энд ми кам энд миит май фамили грандма энд грандма и грандпа ар камин фор тии

1) Sam said that that's the house where he lived

2) Grandma said to me that there is too many entertainment shows on TV

3) The lecturer said to the students that don't interrupt him

4) the student said to the teacher that may he take a seat

5) the boss asked me if i have already done the research

6) she asked her husband that when will he come home

7) Jill asked Mary that what would she do if she got a million dollars

8) the colonel ordered the soldiers that stop the car

9) Mary said that she can't afford to go to the vocation this year

10) he asked his mum if she have seen this film



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