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Решить make up sentences 1)many forks table 2)two spoons room 3)three beds garage 4)five cars yard 5)seven chairs floor 6)eight houses on wall 7)nine carpets in the cupboard 8)eleven pictures at window 9)twelve tv-sets

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1there are many forks in the cupboard. 2there are two spoons on the table. 3there are three beds in the room. 4there are five cars in  the garage.   5there are seven chairs at the window. 6there are eight houses in the  yard. 7there are nine carpets on the floor. 8there are eleven pictures on the wall. 9there are twelve tv sets in the shop.

There aren't many forks on the table there are two spoon on the table in the dining room there are three beds in the bedroom which is above the garage there are five cars in the yard seven chairs are on the floor there are eight houses in the picture which is on the wall there aren't nine cooking carpets in the cupboard there are small eleven pictures on the wall at the window there are twelve tvsets in the shop

Seagulls are one of the most famous types of birds, because they are usually can be seen on many beaches on rivers, and lakes, and seas where people gather. there are about sixty different kinds of gulls. gulls are the birds with a complex social organization. all year round they keep in a flock and between them there has developed a complex system of communication links. the sizes of the gulls are also very different. there are kinds of very small birds like a dove, and other species are as big as a goose. they are mostly white in colour; the head is usually black or brown. gulls feed on animal food, which is in the water and on land. they can eat grasshoppers or beetles, escorting tractors in the fields. in certain situations, they can eat small rodents and even squirrels. but mostly gulls eat fish. they swallow it sitting on the water, or grabbing on the fly. they live from 15 to 20 years. to conclude, gulls are beautiful birds and they are a fine ornament of our nature.   чайки-одни из самых известных птиц, потому что их, как правило, можно увидеть на многих пляжах на реках, и озерах, и морях, где собираются люди. существует около шестидесяти различных видов чаек. чайки птицы со сложной социальной организацией. круглый год они держатся в стае, и между ними сложилась сложная система коммуникационных связей. размеры чаек тоже разные. есть несколько видов мелких птиц, как голубь, и других видов, размером с  гуся. они в основном белого цвета, но голова обычно черная или коричневая. чайки питаются животной пищей, которая находится в воде и на суше. они могут есть кузнечиков или жуков, сопровождая трактора на полях. в определенных ситуациях, они могут питаться мелкими грызунами и даже белками. но в основном чайки едят рыбу. они глотают её, сидя на воде, или хватая на лету. они живут от 15 до 20 лет. в заключение, чайки, красивые птицы и они являются прекрасным украшением нашей природы.

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