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1)выпишите из предложений сложные дополнения (глагол, от которого зависит оборот + существительное с ифинитивом) 1)many students of the english language wish its spelling to be made simpler. 2)people consider the english to like privacy. 3)the british believe their singers to be the best in the world. 4)they hate their rights to be violated (нарушать). 5)some nations think british friendliness to be insincere. 2)выпишите инфинитивы без частицы to 1. englishmen expect their guests to come on time. 2. we heard americans be very punctual. 3. many parents want their children to know foreign languages. 4. he asked me to translate the text for him. 5. the british seldom make their kids eat everything on the plate. 6. i know many english streets to have unusual names.

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№1 to be made 2consider the english to like 3 beleive singers to be to be violated 5think british friendliness to be №2 2be 5eat

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